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Dominique Geoffrion, MD, CM, PhD

Ophthalmology Resident
Participates in 2 items

Dominique Geoffrion, MD, CM, PhD
Ophthalmology Resident, Université de Montréal
Board Member, Orbis Canada

Dr. Dominique Geoffrion is an Ophthalmology resident at the Université de Montréal. She obtained her medical degree from McGill University in 2023. During her medical training, she also completed a PhD in Experimental Surgery at McGill. She previously earned her Honors Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences from the Université de Montréal. 

She has conducted extensive research in molecular biology, genetics, and ophthalmology, resulting in multiple publications, including in prestigious medical journals like The New England Journal of Medicine. Her PhD research enhanced the understanding and management of glaucoma after Boston keratoprosthesis surgery. Additionally, she serves as an ad hoc reviewer for various ophthalmology journals.

Dr. Geoffrion has received numerous scholarships and awards recognizing her research achievements and community leadership. She has namely been recognized as one of Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women by the WXN Network, and received the ASCRS Resident Excellence Award and COS Excellence in Research Award. Additionally, she has received research funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Quebec Health Research Funds.

Committed to global ophthalmology, Dr. Geoffrion has served as a Board member of Orbis Canada since 2021. She is also the founder and president of the Orbis Future Vision Leaders program, an initiative by Orbis Canada designed to bring together medical students and residents to fight avoidable blindness.

Financial disclosure: Dominique Geoffrion does not have any affiliation (financial or otherwise) with a commercial organization.

Sessions in which Dominique Geoffrion, MD, CM, PhD participates

Saturday 17 June, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
1:50 PM
1:54 PM - 1:57 PM | 3 minutes

Authors: Dominique Geoffrion1,   Emily Marcotte 1, Dulce Lopez1, Guillaume Mullie2, Ana Beatriz Toledo Dias1, Miguel N. Burnier1.  1McGill University, 2Université de Montréal.Author Disclosures: D. Geoffrion:   None.  E. Marcotte:  None.   D...

2:45 PM
2:48 PM - 2:51 PM | 3 minutes

Authors: Dominique Geoffrion , Sabrina Bergeron, Dulce Lopez, Emily Marcotte, Siddharth Nath, Miguel Burnier.  McGill University.Author Disclosures: D. Geoffrion:   None.  S. Bergeron:  None.   D. Lopez:  None.  E. Marcotte:   None.  S. Nath:  None.   

Sessions in which Dominique Geoffrion, MD, CM, PhD attends

Thursday 15 June, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
6:00 PM
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM | 1 hour

Please join us for a glass of cheer and help us celebrate the 2023 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition. This event is a great opportunity to network with our international speakers, special guests, sponsors, and exhibitors. Renew old acquaintances and make new friends with colleagues from across Canada.

Friday 16 June, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM | 2 hours
Current Concepts

 Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to:Review how to apply Quality Improvement strategies to improve patient safetyBe familiar with the presentation and histology of hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis, and be able to distinguish it from other conjunctival lesions including conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia.Des...

Saturday 17 June, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM | 2 hours
Current Concepts

 Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to:Elucidate the cause and mechanism of DVD.Identity indications of Light adjustable lensXX

1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes

 Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to: To understand the sequelae of chronic inflammation from various etiologies on the ocular surfaceTo review the impact of vaccinations and evolution in etiologies for infectious keratitisTo review in-office options for managing corneal perforations CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar

3:45 PM
3:45 PM - 5:15 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes

 Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to: To review pathophysiology of and novel treatments for Fuchs corneal dystrophyTo understand the effects of glaucoma on corneal transplantation success ratesTo understand various surgical techniques to treat ocular surface diseasesTo review endothelial transplantation techniques and outcomes in complex anterior segments&nb...