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Canadian Ocular Regenerative Medicine Society

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Talk | Exposé
10:45 AM, Saturday 17 Jun 2023 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Québec City Convention Centre - Room 308 B | Salle 308 B
Ocular Regenerative Medicine


Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how cultured corneal endothelial cells can be used to treat corneal endothelial failure
  • Describe how the corneal neurotinization procedure is performed and compare with other treatment modalities for treating neurotrophic corneal ulcers
  • Describe how cultivated oral mucosal epithelial transplantation can be used to treat patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome  

CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator, Leader, Health Advocate, Scholar, Professional


Sub Sessions

11:00 AM - 11:07 AM | 7 minutes

 Authors: Delphine Gobert1, Pascale Charpentier2, Anabelle Demers2, Mathieu Thériault3, Mathieu Mercier1, Ralph Kyrillos1, Marie Eve Légaré1, Stéphanie Proulx2. 1Université Laval, Department of Ophthalmology & CHU de Québec - CUO Research center, 2Université Laval, Department of Ophthalmology & CHU de Québec - Université Laval Research center, d...

11:07 AM - 11:17 AM | 10 minutes
Keynote SpeakerOcular Regenerative Medicine
11:17 AM - 11:27 AM | 10 minutes
11:34 AM - 11:37 AM | 3 minutes
11:44 AM - 11:47 AM | 3 minutes
11:54 AM - 11:57 AM | 3 minutes
Ocular Regenerative Medicine
12:04 PM - 12:07 PM | 3 minutes
Ocular Regenerative Medicine
12:07 PM - 12:12 PM | 5 minutes

My Session Status

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