Eden McDonald-Yale
As the Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator for the Integrated Cadastral Information Society, Eden leads outreach and engagement with Society members, supporting service offerings and geospatial data products. With degrees in Human Geography and Urban & Regional Planning, and diverse professional experience in research and communications, GIS and mapping, and community development, Eden is passionate about community-based strategies to building and maintaining vibrant, healthy, and inclusive communities.
Sessions in which Eden McDonald-Yale participates
Tuesday 8 March, 2022
The Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICI Society) is a leader in sharing geospatial information, promoting the integration, adoption, and use of spatial data for the social and economic benefit of British Columbians. In addition to data sharing, ICI Society works to facilitate opportunities for training, education, and collaboration across government, industry, and other interested organizations. Incorporated in May 2001 and registered under the BC Societies Act as a ...
Sessions in which Eden McDonald-Yale attends
Tuesday 1 March, 2022
In Budget 2021, the government tabled a recovery plan for jobs, growth, and resilience. Within the budget were specific investments to promoting a healthy environment for a healthy economy, with $145.5 million dedicated to supporting initiatives that will increase resiliency to the natural hazards of wildfires and floods, which are becoming more frequent, severe, and devastating due to climate change and urban development. Flood hazard maps are essential to un...
Abstract: Organizations are increasingly relying on geospatial analysis to power their decision making and business processes. But in such a dynamically changing world, maintaining an accurate database of critical locations is no small task. Everyday worldwide, businesses open and close, change names, or update their operating hours. When these changes happen, any map, application, or model immediately becomes stale. How can organizations strategize if they are not...
Wednesday 2 March, 2022
Statistics Canada along with their partner, VertiGIS Studio (formerly Geocortex), have collaborated to update the original Census Program Data Viewer (CPDV) https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/dv-vd/cpdv-vdpr/index-eng.cfm. VertiGIS Studio Web and Reporting were used to configure an advanced web-based data visualization tool, that supports the dissemination of statistical data gathered in the 2021 Canadian census. This tool will make statistical information more...
Inter-annual variability in agricultural production in Canada is largely determined by weather and climate. Climate-related impacts have caused billions of dollars in financial losses in some years, with the incidence of extreme weather and related costs expected in increase in a changing climate. The National Agroclimate Information Service at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada monitors the impacts of weather and climate on agricultural activities using a number of geospatial data sets, mod...