Canadian Underground Forum Day 2 of 2

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Sub Sessions
Gyro mapping is rapidly becoming a widely accepted technology for obtaining accurate XYZ data of subsurface utility infrastructure. Whether through national regulation or the utility network owners’ diligent network management policies, gyro mapping is becoming a standard new-build specification, in particular for trenchless installation methods. In addition, Utility network owners see a great benefit in having an objective and accurate as-built profile during the hand-over process with infra...
Speaker: Neil Brammall and Carsten Roensdorf
In an era of growing utility digital transformation, why do utilities still collect construction as-built data with paper? Grid transformation requires utilities to manage data from source to consumer in a 100% digital manner. But, utilities have spent decades and millions of dollars on digital design, GIS and ADMS only to end up with digital bookends around a paper field process. The result - long cycle-times, manual project close-out, inaccurate facility maps and poor grid data. This se...
In July of 2020 the Government of Ontario passed Bill 171, the Building Transit Faster Act(“BTFA”) to streamline the delivery of the province’s four priority transit projects. In response to this new legislation, Metrolinx partnered with Infrastructure Ontario and the Ministry of Transportation to establish the Utility Coordination Program (UCP), a new initiative which oversees the development of utility relocation standards and the supporting process to improve the location, trea...
Understanding workflows simple workflows to aid in damage prevention and mass collecting of data during installation of utilities.
Municipalities in Canada manage over 60% of public infrastructure. They are the hub of activity in infrastructure spending and engaged in every facet of infrastructure construction. Most municipalities have developed, to varying degrees based on their size, centralized data and technology capabilities with more advanced municipalities implementing enterprise level data and technology environments. CAD, Mapping and GIS data interoperability efforts have been ongoing for some time. Open data...
Abstract Of Talk : This talk is intended to bring participants up to speed on the CSA S250 standard and the new updates made in the new 2020 revision. Participants will learn key aspects of the standard and how they can leverage the standard for better utility maps and records.
Closing Remarks