Nikos Isaris is since 1 June 2019 the acting Head of the "Internet of Things (IoT)" Unit within the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT).
The Unit is responsible for the research, innovation and policy actions to accelerate the take-up of IoT and to unleash its potential in Europe for the benefit of European citizens and businesses https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/internet-things.
Before that, Nikos was responsible for Future Internet Research and Experimentation in the same Directorate. He joined DG CONNECT in 2013 coming from the DG for Home Affairs, where he was Deputy Head in the Unit "Large-scale IT systems and Biometrics" dealing with IT systems for the Schengen area.
Before the European Commission, Nikos worked in the private banking and electronic banking sectors in his home country Greece.
He holds an MBA with Honours, a Master’s degree with Distinction in Data Communications and Networks from University College London and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Heraklion in Crete.
Sessions in which Nikos Isaris participates
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
Industries are crossing today a crucial transition in terms of technologies and sustainability is a key driver for them. The integration of new technologies, if done appropriately and fast enough can help industries become more competitive; if not managed accordingly however IoT misuse can have adverse consequences on industries and their external environment.Similarly, IoT applications can greatly contribute t...
Sessions in which Nikos Isaris attends
Monday 17 June, 2019
STARTS Talks are series of discussions engaging people from diverse disciplines. They aim at addressing themes from many different angles sustained by the general fields of Sciences, Technologies and the Arts. STARTS Talks target the creation of new policies or the transformation of ongoing ones. Therefore, they are always moderated by a policy maker.
STARTS Talks are series of discussions engaging people from diverse disciplines. They aim at addressing themes from many different angles sustained by the general fields of Sciences, Technologies and the Arts. STARTS Talks target the creation of new policies or the transformation of ongoing ones. Therefore, they are always moderated by a policy maker.
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
Welcoming Remarks Co-ChairsSébastian Ziegler, Chairman, IoT ForumBrian Bech Nielsen, Rector, Prof. Aarhus UniversityKarsten Dehler, Commercial Director, It-Forum, Denmark
Acting on the core aspects of UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); to curtail inequality issues, diminish environmental degradation and provide a secure and resilient livelihood, remains a complex challenge for civil society and United Nations member states.While the SDGs inherited a wide array of pending targets from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), member states are increasingly using the SDGs as a comprehensive and adaptable f...
Much of the potential of the IoT will be realised through value-added services, but this is being held back by fragmentation and limited interoperability. W3C is addressing this through developing web standards for things that decouple applications from the underlying IoT technologies. Applications will no longer need to be developed around the details of the myriad IoT technologies and standards. This means that developers can create applications more easily, ...
After the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017, we are now inviting you to join the next level of standards convergence to support cities & communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark - organised jointly by an alliance of international institutions and networks.The dramatic rise in urbanisation has facilitated the adoption o...
Peter Loell, Director, Hearts & Science: “MarkIOTing: How does marketing look in a world of connected devices? Which brands will be winners and what are the key elements to succeed?”Michael K Rasmussen, Founder of purpose@heart ApS, Independent Brand Strategist & Former SVP Brand at VELUX Group: “Get more out of your brand in a digital world - the VELUX jou...
The world needs leadership for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Organizational leaders must be visionary and ethical, manage multiple stakeholder and resources, and focus on long-term goals without compromising their values. This panel session will address how leaders are working with SDGs in their companies; both as guiding star for doing well by doing good, and as a way to transform their companies to make an impact.The session ...