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Towards a European Data Sharing Space: enabling Data Exchange and unlocking AI potential” (jointly organized by BDVA and AIOTI)

Decorative image for session Towards a European Data Sharing Space: enabling Data Exchange and unlocking AI potential” (jointly organized by BDVA and AIOTI)

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1:30 PM, Thursday 20 Jun 2019 (2 hours 15 minutes)
Musikhuset Aarhus - Room 224
Future Manufacturing & IndustryIoT Emerging Technologies

The potential of AI is now widely understood, not only in Europe but globally. As industry and corporations race to make the most of the emerging opportunities, there remains one problem: the availability of data. Due to a lack of trust, standard frameworks and legal and ethical uncertainties, a lot of valuable data that is already being exchanged in established data value chains and automated networks, is not being exploited outside of its primary purpose. As a show stopper for both the public and private sector, this challenge can best be addressed through a single strategy amongst all stakeholders. To increase data availability and unlock the full potential of AI potential, trusted data sharing spaces need to be designed and developed. In this session, we will have a look at converging efforts to set up a Data Sharing Space, for and from a European perspective as a global leader.

For background information check:

Attendees to this session will get insights on the position paper published by BDVA “Towards a European Data Sharing Space” and ongoing discussions about a data-driven AI, as reflected in the recently published “Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda for an AI PPP”, available in

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