Dr. Ali Salimi MD
Sessions in which Dr. Ali Salimi MD participates
Friday 16 June, 2023
Authors: Ali Salimi1, Raageen Kanjee2, Marko Popovic3, Cindy Hutnik4, Iqbal Ike Ahmed3, Hady Saheb1. 1McGill University, 2University of Manitoba, 3University of Toronto, 4Ivey Eye Institute, Western University.Author Disclosures: A. Salimi: None. R. Kanjee: None.
Saturday 17 June, 2023
Authors: Ali Salimi1, Oscar Kasner1, Steven Schendel2, Marc Mydlarski1, Dima Kalache1, Lautaro Vera1, Rob Pintwala2, Paul Harasymowycz3. 1McGill University, 2University of British Columbia, 3University of Montreal.Author Disclosures: A. Salimi: None. O. Kasner: Any direct financial p...
Sessions in which Dr. Ali Salimi MD attends
Thursday 15 June, 2023
This is the first medical student symposium at the COS annual meeting. There will be keynote presentations on handling stress in medicine and an introduction to high yield clinical topics in ophthalmology. There will also be hands-on clinical skills sessions and breakout discussions with resident mentors. This symposia is hosted by the Council of Canadian Ophthalmology Residents (CCOR) and the Canadian Ophthalmology Student Interest Group (COSIG).
This session will feature an array of tips and tricks that every resident should know for thriving in residency while getting on the road for professional success. Our panel of speakers will explore topics such as resiliency and wellness, mentorship and lessons learned for personal and professional growth, along with experiential exercises led by physician-chaplain Dr. Agnes Wong. Our spe...
A joint symposium of the Société Française d’Ophtalmologie and the Canadian Ophthalmological SocietyThis joint symposium is a partnership between the Société Française d’Ophtalmologie and the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and will host lectures in a variety of subspecialty areas, showcasing current research and new advances in techniques, technology and treatment from Canadian and French keynote speakers.
Friday 16 June, 2023
Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Explore new IOL technology and biometryDiscuss the use of toric IOLsReview pearls for cataract surgery after phakic IOLsCanMEDS Roles: Medical expert, scholarXX
Authors: Paul Harasymowycz, Christoph Kranemann, Sebastien Gagne, Adam Muzychuk, Eric Tam, Baseer Khan, Amandeep Rai, Nima Shahi, Ike Ahmed. Author Disclosures: P. Harasymowycz: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Alcon, Bausch+Lomb, Zeiss, JandJ Vision,Glaukos, Thea, Labtician, Salient, Aequus. C. Kranemann: &...
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Review common comorbid conditions present in cataract patientsDiscuss risk communication in cataract surgeryExplore the role of ergonomics in the workplace CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert, scholarXX
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Review the history and patient perceptions of ISBCSExplore the trends in IOL strategiesDiscuss premium cataract refractive surgery CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert, scholarXX
Saturday 17 June, 2023
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to:Elucidate the cause and mechanism of DVD.Identity indications of Light adjustable lensXX
Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Enhance surgical strategies for routine cataractsDevelop an approach to complex cataract surgery: techniques, strategies, and instrumentationCanMEDS Roles: Medical expert, scholarX
Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Identify Imaging Signs & Biomarkers for ongoing anti-VEGF treatmentIdentify and review pathognomonic imaging features of Inherited Retinal DiseaseReview unique retinal imaging findings in uncommon retinal conditions
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Understand how various systemic medication influence glaucomaUnderstand how to manipulate wound healing may improve success in glaucoma surgeryAssess and Integrate various glaucoma surgeries in our management of glaucoma and be aware of some of the c...
Authors: Hady Saheb1, Paul Harasymowycz2, Kahina Matougui3, Bijah Shah-Manek4. 1McGill University, 2Université de Montréal, 3Abbvie Corporation, 4Noesis Healthcare Technologies. Author Disclosures: H. Saheb: Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Alcon, Abbvie, Bausch, ...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Identify common reasons for discrepancy between structure and function evaluations of glaucoma patientsDescribe the difference between glaucomatous and non-glaucomatous abnormalities on glaucoma diagnostic testing
Cataract STC-Bi-manual Anterior Vitrectomy. Participants will gain hands-on experience in anterior vitrectomy to manage vitreous prolapse encountered during anterior segment surgery. They will gain a better understanding of machine settings to optimize fluidics for various tasks. This segment will also introduce options for secondary IOL placement. Faculty will include both experienced ca...
Sunday 18 June, 2023
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session, participants will be able to:Understand current evaluation and intervention approaches in pediatric vision rehabilitation.Understand the role of organisms and the microbiome in corneal infectionsReview management strategies for mild to severe keratoconusXX
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Understand the change from medication use to other options in glaucoma treatmentUnderstand the latest in laser treatment for glaucoma including the LiGHT and ZAP trials and how to integrate into clinical practiceAssess AI in glaucoma management
Author Block: Mohammad Karam 1, Nahlaa Alkhowaiter2, Ali Alkhabbaz3, Ahmed Aldubaikhi4, Abdulmalik Alsaif5, Eiman Shareef1, Rand Alazaz6, Abdulaziz Alotaibi1, Mona Koaik7, Samir Jabbour8. 1AlBahar Ophthalmology Center, Ibn Sina Hospital, Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait, 2College of Medicine, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Hea...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Understand and compare various novel devices for glaucoma surgical management including MIGSUnderstand outcomes and potential pitfalls of glaucoma surgeryUnderstand the best candidates for various glaucoma surgeriesCan...
Authors: Raheem Remtulla , Karin M. Oliver. McGill University.Author Disclosures: R. Remtulla: None. K.M. Oliver: None. Abstract Body: Purpose: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) inhibit the r...
Authors: Mohammad Karam1, Abdulmalik Alsaif2, Abdullah AlRefaie3, Mohammad Alazemi3, Abdulaziz Almazyed4, Rand Alazaz5, Nahla Alkhowaiter6, Ahmed Aldubaikhi7, Marko Popovic8, Ahmad Alali9, Matthew Schlenker8. 1AlBahar Eye Center, Ibn Sina Hospital, Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait, 2Walsall Healthcare NH...