How AI and Telemedicine are Improving Access to Screening and Eye Care for the most Vulnerable
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Learning Objectives
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
- Describe the impact of AI technologies on eye care
- Understand the unique aspects of eye health needs in remote populations
- Compare various models of care for remote populations across provinces in Canada
CanMeds Roles: Professional, Health Advocate
Sub Sessions
Author Block: Nishaant Bhambra 1, Jobanpreet Dhillon2, Sidrat Rahman1, Christian El-Hadad1. 1Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, 2Department of Ophthalmology, University of Ottawa.Author Disclosure Block: N. Bhambra: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Valeo Pharmaceuticals. ...
Authors: Yusuf Ahmed, Josh Herman, Mohan Reddy, Jacob Mederos, Kyle C. McDermott, Devesh K. Varma, Cassie A. Ludwig, Iqbal (Ike) K. Ahmed, Khizer R. KhaderiAuthors Disclosures: Yusuf Ahmed: Not Current Josh Herman: Not Current Mohan Reddy: Not Current Jacob Mederos: Not Current Kyle McDermott: Not Current Devesh Varma: Not Current Cassie Ludwig: Not Current Iqbal (Ike) Ahmed: Not Current K...
Authors: Gareth D. Mercer, Sheetal Pundir, Carlos Gomez-Garibello, Daniela Toffoli, Hady Saheb. Author Disclosures: G.D. Mercer: None. S. Pundir: None. C. Gomez-Garibello: None. D. Toffoli: None. H. Saheb: None. Abstract Body:Purpose: ...