Prof Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat
Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat is a plant geneticist who has been involved in the field of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration for more than a decade. She has been managing at Saint Joseph University of Beirut a team of investigators focusing on endemic species conservation and establishing protected areas that harbor endangered species. She co-founded the NGO Jouzour Loubnan, which is responsible for rehabilitating degraded Mediterranean forest ecosystems.
With a PhD degree from La Sorbonne University-Paris and an accreditation to supervise research (HDR) from Paris Sacaly University, Magda is a professor at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, she was the chair of the Department of Life and Earth Science, and directed the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Functional Genomics at the Faculty of Science (USJ) and has a wide network of international collaborators.
Magda joined the Mediterranean Facility of the European Forest Institute in Barcelona as Principal scientist in 2022. She is working on defining conservation policies and forest ecosystem restoration strategies to optimizing their survival in the context of climate change.
Sessions in which Prof Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat participates
Tuesday 3 September, 2024
Wednesday 4 September, 2024
Friday 6 September, 2024
Sessions in which Prof Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat attends
Monday 2 September, 2024
Tuesday 3 September, 2024
Wednesday 4 September, 2024
Despite its establishment in 2009, plant barcoding continues to present a multitude of challenges due to the unique evolutionary and speciation patterns of plants. The application of standardized methods designed for animal barcoding to plants often leads to numerous technical errors, which subsequently impact downstream analysis.In light of recent knowledge, it is now necessary to reevaluate historically significant plant barcoding papers. Have you ever questioned the existence of mu...